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Is it too easy to hail a taxi in Colorado? Do you pay too little? Should the government stifle competition and protect big business? We don't think so either. Email us at MileHighCab@gmail.com

Monday, September 20, 2010

Denver Daily News: Pressure Mounting on PUC

Mile High Cab is gathering support and media attention ...

Monday's Denver Daily News has the story:

Drive for new cab company

Pressure mounts for PUC to allow drivers to form new cab service

Peter Marcus, DDN Staff Writer

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Pressure is coming from all sides for the Public Utilities Commission to allow a group of taxi drivers to open a new cab service in metro Denver.

The issue has crossed the political aisle, with both Republicans and Democrats issuing letters encouraging the PUC to allow Mile High Cab, a group of about 150 local cab drivers, to open a new cab service in the area.

A proposal by Mile High Cab to open a new company was rejected by an administrative-law judge last month. The judge ruled that the new company would damage existing local cab companies. An attorney for the group is asking the Colorado Public Utilities Commission to overturn the judge’s ruling.

High-profile unions and politicians have been writing to the PUC, asking it to review the ruling.

State Sen. Josh Penry, R-Grand Junction, co-sponsored legislation in 2008, House Bill 1227, that eased the application process for taxi cab companies with the intent of “opening the door for greater competition,” he said. Penry is frustrated, arguing that Judge Paul Gomez ruled against the intent of his legislation."

Read the rest of the story here. And be sure to leave a comment on their website telling them you like the job they are doing!

Thanks Denver Daily News for staying on top of this important story.


  1. Excellent front page story!

  2. PUC better come to its sense and serve the public interest. Those elected officials are doing the right thing. Competition is always beneficial for the public, it might hurt the big fishes that wanted to monopilize the market and control it alone. Hence, let milehigh take to the street.

  3. Isn't job creation a serious task of the government? Is 150 more jobs helpful or damaging to our states economy?

  4. Do the PUC mind if 150 individuals filed for unemployment? is that beneficial to Colorado? What is the intent of the judge? Is he corrupted or just doean't know what he is doing?

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