An excellent report out by the Aurora Sentinel today, and a great photo of Archie:
Driving in circles: Mile High Cab case goes back to PUC judge
By BRANDON JOHANSSON The Aurora Sentinel
"AURORA -- The fate of proposed taxi startup Mile High Cab is now headed back to the same administrative law judge who rejected the company’s proposal in August.

"A spokesman for the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, which regulates the state’s taxi industry and was hearing Mile High Cab’s appeal, said the commission opted not to make a decision at their hearing last week.
"Instead, the commission said it did not have enough information to determine whether Mile High’s entry would be a detriment to the public interest and sent the case back to the judge.
"The judge is now expected to further study what impact another taxi startup, Union Cab, had on the market when it launched 17 months ago, said Terry Bote, a spokesman for the PUC."
Read the rest here.
The question is, why does the PUC even care if there are enough, too many or not enough cabs on the road? This isn't electricity and natural gas, it's taxis for Heaven's sake. Even airlines are deregulated, and guess what, you can still get a nonstop from Denver to Phoenix (and for less than the price of a taxi from DIA to Highlands Ranch, we might add).
Let the market decide if there are enough cabs.
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